
Appropriate for both small and large superannuation balances

A low cost option for smaller balances

A more comprehensive offering for higher balances

A default/group insurance offering and retail insurance

More capabilities than the average retail super fund

Term deposits from a range of providers

Separately Managed Accounts, powered by some of Australia's leading investment managers

Managed funds, including domestic and international funds

A cash option

ASX 300 shares

View super account balances for up to 3 years at a time

This makes forward planning easy any time of year.

Flexible insurance solutions and a choice of cover

Insurance options can be paid for from a RetireSelect Super fund.

Life cover

Terminal illness

Total and permanent disablement

Income protection

Investment options

Managed investment options

  • Defensive Assets

  • Growth Assets


  • Defensive Assets

  • Growth Assets

Capital Stable

  • Defensive Assets

  • Growth Assets

Balanced Moderate

  • Defensive Assets

  • Growth Assets


  • Defensive Assets

  • Growth Assets


blue-pieDefensive Assets
white-pieGrowth Assests

Select Investment Options

Clearing Account

An at call, interest bearing, working cash account.


Term Deposits

Term Deposits from some of Australia’s best known Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions.  In exchange for your agreement to invest your money for a defined period of time, a financial institution will pay you a predetermined rate of interest.



Shares on the ASX 300 (Australian Stock Exchange), Listed Investment Companies, Exchange Traded Funds. A part ownership of a company that will provide a return in the form of capital growth (or loss) and income through dividends.


Managed Portfolios

A portfolio of listed securities managed by a professional investment manager in accordance with a stated investment objective.


Managed Funds

A pooled investment or unit trust that is professionally managed. Upon investment, a member is allocated a number of units based on the amount invested and the current unit price.

You can count on us

RetireSelect’s Trustee has delivered retirement solutions since 1957.

RetireSelect offers you easy online access to your account details, and with your permission, we will search for any lost super you may have.


Trustee details

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